What The Lake Has Taught Me.


If you are lucky enough to have friends that have spanned nearly a lifetime, then you know exactly how I feel. Every year, I load up my car and travel north to Wisconsin where four of us from high school gather at Melinda's lake house. I have food, way too many clothes, and a heart so filled with excitement it nearly bursts. We come from all over. Suzy lives in Georgia, Jenny lives in Peru Illinois, Melinda has her main residence in Oswego Illinois, and I am in North Aurora Illinois. For 3-4 days we meander through trails, spend hours on their boat on the lake, and stay up late talking about our deepest thoughts and memories. And, if we are lucky, we have Brandy Alexanders! Because our birthdays are all within weeks of each other we celebrate them all while we are there. 

When the last bed is stripped, and parcel of food put away, with the sun gazing over the lake, its time to say goodbye. Not just goodbye to treasured friends, but goodbye to the lake who hosted us in steadfast glory. Goodbye to sunsets that captured our breath. Goodbye to the restless waves that lulled us through the afternoon. Goodbye until the sun travels around the earth one more time. 

I wrote this letter below to my friends to include in their birthday cards this year. I wanted them to carry with them, wherever they might be going, the love I hold in my heart for them, and the beautiful lake that welcomes us each year.


Words cannot describe the joy I have each year sharing this special time with you. As soon as I pull into the horseshoe, my stomach fills with butterflies, knowing each of you will be there to share this sacred time.

With each sail that is filled with the wind, or even the tiniest wave that struggles to greet us, this is a very special place.

Little could I have imagined back in 1977 that here and now, we would have fallen into this tradition.

I know Rosary means very different things to each of us. And I respect that as we all should. But one thing for certain that none of us can dispute, in the end, it gave us each other. For that I am eternally thankful.

At night when we gaze at the stillness of the lake or hear laughter flowing from the kitchen, each moment is planted on my soul and kept with me until the next year greets us. I wish I could bottle it and give it away ~ the world would be the better for it. How blessed are we?

When the stars gather tonight and dance off the lake, and that cool breeze finds its way to our hearts, know with every part of you, heaven is so very close.


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