All Good Gifts


I was settled in driving the back roads to Sycamore this morning. My Apple playlist shuffling from one song to the next when all at once I heard Josh Groban. His voice is made from that of the angels. I began thinking back to the first time I heard him. I was awe struck. He was all of 17 years old, singing for the lighting of the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. He was wearing a turtleneck and a double-breasted pea coat. His curls flirting with wind as it's cool echo swam around him. The first note beamed through the night, and I had tears in my eyes. He went on to sing Oh Holy Night in perfect pitch, I was instantly a fan.

Today, nearly 20 years later, I couldn't help but think about all the gifts each of us has been given. And just like Josh, it is imperative we share them. In contrast to the number of people in the world, a relatively small amount has been given such an incredible voice, but we all have so much to offer each other. God designed us to share our gifts. Doctors, nurses, research developers, scientists finding cures for cancer, first responders, I could go on and on. 

What an incredible creator to build joy into each of us by sharing and being a part of something much bigger than any of us. Scripture urges us not to hide our light under a bushel basket. Our light was meant to shine. 

What is your gift? It could be as simple as smiling at people when they most need it. Having an ear for listening, being filled with an empathetic heart. You don't need to belt out a beautiful song or play a concerto. As individual to you as the color of your eyes or the freckles that dot your face, each of us is God's masterpiece! 

So even if you sing alone in the car, but give it your heart, you are praising God! You are thanking him for ability to sing, to enjoy, to feel his love surround you. I like to think of Him as an adoring father looking down from heaven with a smile melting into the creases of his face,with perhaps a measure of pride when I share my gifts. There is no greater form of gratitude than to use something we have been gifted. To admire it, to hold it, to take actual ownership of it. 

Explore your gifts. You will find you hold a great deal of wealth within you. Share them, spread them, hold them, feel your Father's love permeate you. You may inspire others to share their gifts too. We may all become awe struck! 


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