The Way


I know He has a message for me. I know there is a reason for the uncertainty in my future, the pain I feel each and every day, the purpose 
and plan created in the heaven's and left for my discernment. I long to know his word, be drenched in his grace, my heart blanketed in His love. With every chord I carry in my prayer, please God, answer me. 

I feel a bit like my granddaughter in the picture above, drifting towards unknown waters. Brave, but frightened. Convicted, but reserved. In the end, quenched by the refreshing waters of His steadfast glory. 

We began to settle in. The morning sun streaming through the window like a halo from heaven. The aroma of coffee circled its way through the building like a Siamese cat looking for a place to rest. It was the first day of our summer bible study, aptly named Open Your Bible. The irony of this for me is that I have lost my last two bibles. Always from my car. I like to believe someone who needed them took them. Then I don't feel so foolish for losing two bibles. 

The day before the study I realized I didn't have my bible and went on a mad scramble to locate one. I knew we had two very old bibles that belonged to our grandparents, and really too delicate to bring to a study, where I intended on devouring the word. So, I took off for one of my friend's favorite places to go looking, Goodwill. Not a bible in sight! None! Now what? Then I remembered I had a bible called The Way that had been my parents. I honestly had not opened it in a very long time, it was more for sentimental reasons I had it. But that day, I rushed home went through the bookcase in search for The Way. I located it and placed it on my text for the summer study. But then something called me to open it. Throwing back the flap of the book, I found an inscription " To Jack Brennan from Doug, Teri and Sarah - 1983". We had given my dad the bible. I rubbed my hand across the pages, as if I could reach out and give him a hug at that moment. And I wish I could have.

The next day I brought my 40-year-old bible with me to my first day of summer study. Immediately one of the women said - I remember that bible! Another said, I had one of those bibles. Pretty soon several people had acknowledged my fill in bible as being familiar. I knew at that moment my dad was there with me. I felt his presence through the word we shared. My heart was full. 

I don't believe in coincidences; life is road map perfectly orchestrated by God. God knew I needed to feel my dad close to me, giving me the calm that flowed peacefully to my soul. 

I will continue to use my dad's bible all summer and not consider looking for a new one. Pick up one of your loved one's belongings, hold it close, and feel the peace permeate you like a soft refreshing breeze in the stillness of summer. He is alive, and He loves you so very much. He showed me The Way......


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