The Sacred Puddle

 Sometimes the ordinary disguises the beauty of the extraordinary. God's subtle messages to our heart. 

Her raven hair flirted effortlessly with the wind. Perched upon her toddler feet were yellow rain boots, as she carefully held her tiny umbrella. Her other hand was being held by her mother as she tried ushering in her brother to cross the street in safety. I sat at the stop sign watching this all unfold, taken in by the memory of when my own children were young. The pretentious grade schooler waved me to go, but I insisted they go first. As the young boy placed his foot off the curb, his younger sister broke free from her mother's grip and jumped gloriously into a large puddle. Her face painted a sense of satisfaction. I laughed, having seen that coming from a mile away. The frazzled mother re-took the toddlers hand, and as she glanced at me, you could see she was holding back the laughter, wanting to teach her little girl a lesson from their expedition. The little boy marched on to school oblivious of the happenings. I sat back for a moment smiling, how wonderful of God to give me a laugh on this cold and dreary day. Lord, I said, your timing is impeccable.

I share this with you because, yes, our God is a God of miracles and grand happenings. But he lives in the subtlety of everyday. Just open your eyes and your hearts to his loving grace. He wants an open dialogue with us each and every day. He plants these things in our lives to remind us we are loved, and in turn, we must remind him of our love as well. 

Have you ever been in a Starbucks line, and when you reach out to pay, you are told that someone else already paid for you? Have you ever had a bad day, when a total stranger smiles at you for no reason? Those are not coincidences; they are a message of love from your heavenly father. Take a moment, acknowledge them and thank him for the miracle of the mundane.

When you listen to the whisper that fills your ear, you become the hands and heart of God. Sometimes we hesitate in disbelief but believe it! He is alive and revealing himself each and every day. He may not be parting seas, or asking someone to build an ark, but he does call you to be his children. To listen to his word and follow through. 

So many that are not tuned in to God, miss these pieces of joy he shares each and every day. Proverbs 2 says to seek it like silver or hidden treasure, that you might know the Fear of God. The reverence of his being, the sacredness of a puddle. 

Never take for granted the simplicity of a child's actions, or the smile of a stranger. It is in them that the deepest miracles are found.


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