Beautiful Agony

 Some people have an easy life, so we think. But do we really know what lives in their heart?

Did you ever wonder why some people seem to experience tragedy at every turn, while others appear to breeze through life with barely a care? 

One may be tempted to think, what have those people done in life to deserve such angst? Is God punishing them for a grievous sin? Honestly, they never seem to catch a break. 

When I look at those who suffer, I see the face of God. His enduring and unbridled love surrounds their eyes like rich pools of a perfect sea. I have had many challenges in my life, and I can say at this point in my faith, I feel closer to God in my agony than in my joy. I know he is beckoning me to come closer to Him in those times, wanting me to take in His word and His love, like food for a starving soul. And through that prayer, I am able to show His love to the world. 

I have been making more of an effort to thank God every day for the beauty he surrounds me with. His subtle signs He gives me as I journey through life. My home, my children and grandchildren. My friends, the awakening of spring, the smell of fresh coffee, a dog's tail wagging. You get my point. These are obvious gratuities. And often, people forget to thank him for those things, or thank him for those times. It's easy to forget because they are just there every day. 

But what about when the storm hits? The clouds pour over you and blanket you, weighing you down, sending you into a tailspin of hopelessness. Of course, you pray. Pray for the season to pass, pray that your issue will be dissolved into puddle of contentment. But do you ever give a prayer of thanks? Do you feel God calling you to become a deeper part of him? His benevolent arms reaching out to guide you through? 

I am not insinuating that God plants adversity in your life as a tactic to manipulate you into prayer. But it is in those times He waits for you, patiently and lovingly. He showers you with the grace to persevere, surrounding you with hope for your tomorrow. The peace to always live in your heart. His love is more prevalent during your challenges than perfection. 

He is ALWAYS with you. He is ALWAYS beside you. In the good, and in the bad. But I urge you to take time to notice Him in your every day. Go to Him in need and thank Him in the goodness.  

God is waiting just for you.


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