To Have A Friend

 Growing up my mother always told me; To have a friend is to be a friend. Later on, in girl scouts - we sang out; Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver, the other is gold. I suppose we have all heard many metaphors for friendship through life, but one thing for certain, none of them capture the true essence of what it is.  Friendship is a sacred trust between two people (or more) that surpasses any jingle or song. 

My friends are nothing short of blessings in my life. After my husband Doug became sick, I saw first-hand the fragility of life. One day he was a working, volunteering, coaching, man. In a million years never did I dream he would eventually be disabled. And never did I dream that this tragedy that had entered our lives would turn out to be pure Grace! It brought me to my knees and covered me in humility. Suddenly, all of the things I thought important were mere obstacles in my new journey. It was then I vowed to reconnect with all of the people in my life that had empowered me or touched me with love. I began writing letters and sending texts and messages. There were of course some that went unanswered, but that only fueled the fire in me to continue in my mission. I Facebook stalked and searched. It was at that point I began reconnecting with my friends from High School. I need to tell you, that has been undeniable joy. 

It's amazing when you leave all that dust from high school at the doorstep. It is when pretense is cast aside, and a level playing ground is formed. These incredible women from my all-girls high school have created a haven of love and acceptance for all of us to continue to grow under. We have weekends at Melinda's lake house, dinners and lunches whenever we can, and a constant line of support that travels from Georgia to North Carolina, back through central Illinois making its way to Northern Illinois and Wisconsin. I know at any moment that I may lose my breath, or feel my heart ache, all I need to do is pick up the phone and hear a beautiful voice on the other end, mending my broken spirit. 

I also have a newer group of friends (about 10 years) that feed my soul. They float on a cloud of Faith and acceptance. Together we explore God's word and prayer every week. Their prayers have sustained me through the storms in my life. I never need to ask; they are always there. 

I have also been given incredible friends along my journey that have been absolute gifts. Some have come to me by surprise, and others I believe were always destined to help me along the way. Perhaps angels sent to me, there are no words to describe what they mean to me. 

Each and every friend I have I treasure. There is no silver, there are no gold, they are all priceless. Each of them has a piece in the tapestry of my heart. Every time I say their name I am filled with gratitude. I pray that I can give them even half of what they have given me. 

Think about the friends you have in your life, about what you are filled with because of them, but most of all be thankful. 

I could have never known as my 10-year-old self-belting out the chorus of the friendship song what a winsome crossing life would be. 


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