The Writing On The Wall

 So many times, we give way to human pride, instead of embracing our humble heart. Maybe todays blog will take you on an inner journey to your soul where you can embrace the beauty of humility.

The Writing on the Wall.


Throughout my life I have tried to live with a humble heart, but, often times I fall short and become consumed with prideful feelings that never lead anywhere but to ill-gotten gains and easily forgotten vanities that fall by the wayside.

My women’s group ( bible and prayer based ) are studying the Book of Daniel along with a book; Heaven Rules. Recently we read about King Belshazzar, the son of King Nebuchadnezzar. Now, King Belshazzar lived a very prideful life. Privileged and surrounded by riches, jewels, gold and silver. One day the king threw a lavish banquet for thousands of Nobles. They ate and drank wine from the gold and silver goblets his father had taken from the temple in Jerusalem. They laughed and praised the gods of gold and silver, iron, wood and stone.

When suddenly, the fingers of a human hand appeared and began to write on the plaster wall in the royal palace. The king watched as the hand continued to write. His face became pale, and he fell to his knees overcome by his fear. But the king was unable to decipher the words the hand had written. He summoned the wise of his kingdom to tell him what the writing said, yet no one was able to do so. In a final effort he called on Daniel. He told him that The Lord God had given his father sovereignty, greatness and splendor. Because of this power he was able to pardon people, punish people, as well as spare people. But when his heart became hardened with pride and filled with arrogance he was stripped of his glory, losing his throne. He went on; telling Belshazzar, you knew all of this, and yet did not humble yourself.

The inscription read; God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.

He was killed that very night.

I don’t mean to suggest we might be killed in our arrogance, but certainly things that we love could be. Relationships, family ties, our relationship with God will all suffer under the guise of our pride. Humbling ourselves is the only way we can be open to the love that awaits us, patiently, never ending.

How can we love another fully if we are worshipping other idols. Money, cars, big houses and social standing?

The one true God who softens our hearts, lives within them as well.

And just as with Belshazzar, even though he had the mistakes of his father as example, he chose an ostentatious life rather than a spiritual one.

How often are we guilty of the same? How often do we turn our back on God in favor of pride?

In the end…….How often do we see The writing on the wall?  


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