A Glimpse of Heaven


As my mother lay dying, she perhaps gave me the greatest gift of my life, a glimpse of Heaven.

It was a warm, sunny, Spring afternoon. Clouds danced through the blue sky like a child with their whimsy. A breeze flirted in the curtains as my mother lay dying. She had not spoken in days, and her eyes had fallen deep into their sockets. She was a fraction of herself, cancer had returned and ravaged her once graceful body. 

My husband and my dad were in the living room entertaining a neighbor who had stopped by to check in with us. I could hear their muffled laughter as I sat at her bedside. I wanted desperately just to lay my head in her arms once more, but the frailty of her circumstance had prohibited it. And so, I sat, rubbed her hand and told her how much I loved her. I recounted my incredible childhood. I was loved and supported in everything I tried. She was my Girl Scout leader, Day camp counselor, biggest cheerleader and confidant. Her laugh was infectious, and when she played with her grandchildren it spread through the house like water through a broken dam. 

The other room became hushed as I read to her. " I will raise you up on Eagles Wings " her favorite verse. All at once her head shot up, and with her eyes opening, she began to mumble with great deliberation. She became focused on the ceiling, perhaps beyond it. I put the bible down and gave her permission, " Go to the angels Mom, leave your pain, it's ok now, I will take care of Daddy." With that, her arms reached forward to hold onto something I could not see. I urged her to continue her journey from this earth. Her arms fell in sweet exhaustion, her head once again falling to her pillow. I turned to call my husband. Before I could get the words from my mouth, a gasp filled the room, she was gone. 

At her wake I told the story of her death, she was as beautiful in death as she was in life. When I had finished, her parish priest came up to me. He told me that my mother had given me the greatest gift one person can give to another, I had seen her soul leave this earth. I was given a glimpse of heaven.    


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