
Showing posts from October, 2023

Curve Balls and Spring Rain

  Like a curve ball that doesn’t make it across home plate, or a Spring without rain, we are sometimes left to wonder whether God has heard our prayers. Often people imagine a Santa like figure in heaven keeping track of who has been naughty or nice. But reality is our God is ever knowing, he doesn’t need to keep track! More like a patient parent waiting for you to come willingly to him with your pain, God is doing the same. I remember when I was very young and would pray. I would pray for ridiculous things and expect them to appear as if it were magic. Afterall, if blind men could see and the lame could walk, what was a little Barbie doll appearing in my room? And that   was how my immature mind thought of God, like a magician. One night I knelt next to my bed and began to pray out loud as my parents made their way upstairs. I don’t remember my exact words but ended it by saying I was in awe of God and his magical ways. My mother turned white as my dad’s teeth dropped. This went a

A Life I Never Knew I Needed

Yesterday I thought a lot. I thought about my life, where I am, where I have been, even what may be ahead of me.  When I talk to my friends who married later and had an entire lifetime it seems before they even said I DO, it makes me wonder how things may have been for me had I not gotten married at 20. I imagine a glamorous life, living in the city, working at a huge teaching hospital and catapulting my career there. Spending weekends out on the lake, having my own apartment, and carrying out the life few dare to dream. Whether that would have been the reality of it, I rather doubt. But, as so many say, the grass is always greener.  The fact of the matter is that I am the sum of my journey, however mundane or exciting it may seem. I completely own all of the joys and all of the losses. And by most people's estimation, it has turned out to be a blessed life. I firmly believe that God has predestined my journey, and it is my ministry in life to write about it. Not just write about i