
Showing posts from February, 2023

Happy 60th Rosary !

  As my high school begins to celebrate its 60th year, I look back on all that made it so special to me then and now. I can hardly believe Rosary is turning 60! It's amazing to think about all the young women educated within its walls through the years – not just academically, but spiritually. Rosary prepares you not only for life, but service as well.    When I look back on my years spent at 901 N Edgelawn Ave, I was completely unaware of the impact lessons learned were being woven into my adult life ahead. The examples given through action by the faculty were a pattern of lifelong empathy and caring towards others through the eyes of God. Their patience and availability for guidance taught us how to be better people when faced with an often-time cold adult society.    It seemed those wonderful sisters were able to see beyond our teenage façade and speak to the person within. I was recently speaking with one of my high school friends about our time at Rosary. I feel like she s


  Often times when we are caught in a tragedy, we are unable to see the beauty of the world that still surrounds us. I wrote this poem after my journey with breast cancer. When I had my last treatment, I was given a clean slate, a time of rebirth, a time to start over. Think about all of the difficult times you have faced, perhaps even turning away from the simple gifts that God gives us each and every day. Commit to rebirth, to hope, to a brighter path. ReBirth   She had never seen the sun Looking up, an unmet warmth filled her face. looking out, the sea met her with sapphire beams. Her ignorance of beauty was not hers to own. A lifetime of agony swept away on obstinate waves. Moment by moment her anger became a distant stranger. Her destiny fell into lost dreams Her breath gave life to her soul. Only then could she embrace the warmth of the sun, or freshness of the sea. It was, by all means, Her rebirth.

Jesus Take the Wheel.

  I love this picture of Matthew as a baby. It has nothing to do with the story I'm about to tell, except that he is in it. I guess maybe I look at this face and think about how often we are tested, how often we cry out in despair, how often we are close to losing all we hold dear. And that, is what this is about.  Last week I was called to drive Matt to class in a blinding snowstorm. I couldn't believe the college had not called off classes. Being located in the middle of wide-open space, the snow swirls like sugar in a Cotten candy maker. Nonetheless, there we were.  The only way to get to the college from our house is by country roads that weave in and out of once green pastures and cornfields that stood high and proud. Now caverns of wind and snow that seemed unforgiving as they blew past my car. It was very difficult to see the road ahead, as I tried to imagine it on a clear day. Matt and I barely spoke in what seemed like forever to take a 15-minute drive. I carefully pul

A House is Not a Home

  What makes your house a Home? Have you ever thought about losing your home? What would that mean to you? Today I talk about my own heart wrenching experience of change and redemption centered around the core of my Home. Sometimes, maybe you just live in house, not a home. A House Is Not a Home    I recently had the opportunity to contemplate this seemingly contradictory statement. Really, what is the difference?  When you look up synonyms for house This is what appears;    home,  place of residence,  homestead,  lodging place,  a roof over one's head,  habitation,  residence,  dwelling,  dwelling place,  abode  The very first synonym that appears is home. But simply put, A house is not a home. A house is mortar and beams. An inanimate object, a noun. A home, however, is filled with the love of people within it. Joy and laughter permeate the walls like paint, splashing them with the color of a family. In turn, memories are collected like unspoken stories, forever living inside. Ho

Leaving The Dust Behind

 Sometimes having the strength to let go is the deepest piece of our soul. It began  in a very ordinary sort of way. Now the dust lays at our feet. My heart has taken root  in the whisper of agony. The dance is over  your fingers melt from mine only the wind in between. Our forever cannot speak its pain muted by apathy. The blinded fortune of fools left forever in destiny's hands. We will go on in a separate path unknown leaving the dust behind. Teri Carlson


  So many times, we look beyond the obvious. The beautiful world that surrounds us each and every day. Take in the spirit of the wind and the warmth of the sun on your face. How very blessed we are. I walk beside in divine measure. The sky will unfold its blue folly. Waiting for the evening to enter. The trees will invoke their restless song. All for me. The river will follow a symphony of streams. Until at once, it disappears. May I always know the sweetness of creation, God’s gentle hand leading me through. My eyes forever in your path.   Teri Carlson

Alvin A

  Have you ever had someone in your life who means more to you than words can convey? For me, that was my first boss out of Radiology School. To most he appeared gruff and abrupt. To me, he had the soul of a saint and a heart that beat for the service of others.  Alvin A By: Teri Carlson   I recently heard that each person would have 9 people enter their lives that will change them forever. Of course, I began thinking about who my 9 people would be, or if I have even met all of them. I suppose for most, the first two would be your parents. I know they certainly were for me. They gifted me with a legacy of love and faith by which I could build my life. My first love certainly had a huge impact on me, allowing me to experience a love beyond family, and a giving beyond myself. My husband, no, he was not my first love, but certainly my last. An unconditional love born from the spirit of give and take, and choosing, deliberately choosing to spend your life with each other every day. But pea

The Writing On The Wall

 So many times, we give way to human pride, instead of embracing our humble heart. Maybe todays blog will take you on an inner journey to your soul where you can embrace the beauty of humility. The Writing on the Wall.   Throughout my life I have tried to live with a humble heart, but, often times I fall short and become consumed with prideful feelings that never lead anywhere but to ill-gotten gains and easily forgotten vanities that fall by the wayside. My women’s group ( bible and prayer based ) are studying the Book of Daniel along with a book; Heaven Rules. Recently we read about King Belshazzar, the son of King Nebuchadnezzar. Now, King Belshazzar lived a very prideful life. Privileged and surrounded by riches, jewels, gold and silver. One day the king threw a lavish banquet for thousands of Nobles. They ate and drank wine from the gold and silver goblets his father had taken from the temple in Jerusalem. They laughed and praised the gods of gold and silver, iron, wood and


  This poem is written from an adult perspective, remembering all the joys once held as a child, keeping them in their heart to treasure. Goodbye      By; Teri Carlson     Goodbye to roads that once led home,    Fields and streams I often roamed.    The steeple stands rich with spire,   My heart beats out with warm desire.    Goodbye to the rooms fraught with dreams,   Bannisters swept with children's schemes.   Goodbye to friends, life's golden treasure,   Memories we keep will fill our measure.    We can't live the childhood forever past,   That tenderness will never last.    Hold on to a piece, if you please,   To give you strength as years you seize.    Goodbye to the days pure and chaste ,   Forever in root no longer waste.