
Showing posts from March, 2024

Misery, God and the Laundry Basket

 This morning as I grappled with my miseries, I couldn't help but think about the laundry basket full of fresh cleaned clothes that awaited me. Indeed, they certainly were not going to fold themselves. In my mind, it was just another stressor added to my long list of painful things that kept me up at night. How I dreaded not only folding them but hanging them as well. Perhaps in some ways I had no one to blame but myself. My procrastination had now taken center stage as the basket burst forward with a mountain of clothes. I had put off doing the laundry for a few days, and in that time, it seemed as though it tripled. Maybe I could blame the fact that I had a high-capacity washer, so I could leave my chores for a later date, knowing I would be able to stuff every last piece in that unsuspecting appliance and they would always come out clean. Ahhh but truth be known, I, indeed, had no one to blame but myself, adding to my misery.  And so, I set out to begin my insurmountable task, o